Sunday, June 7, 2009

Change Of Plan

God in His Heaven was noticing how full it was getting. "Hmm, maybe I should make more space... Who here broke the first commandment? Raise your hands." Many hands went up. God said "You're out of here! Off you go!" But Heaven was still quite full, so God asked "How many of you broke the second commandment? Raise your hands." Many hands went up. God said "You're out of here! Off you go!" But Heaven was still quite full, so God continued on w/ the other commandments. Each time hands were raised. Each time God said "You're out of here! Off you go!" But when He got to the tenth commandment, He looked around and saw the humorless, self-righteous arrogant bunch He was going to have to spend eternity w/. He spun on His heel, flung open wide the doors to Heaven and yelled "Change of plan! Everybody back in!"